Start Saving for Retirement Today

by Jarrett Osborn on

Time certainly goes by fast. One day you’re interviewing for your first job and the next thing you know you’re a few short years from applying for Social Security.

If you’ve planned for your retirement, you’ll likely have a good stash of funds saved.  But the unfortunate news is that according to...

Why Should I Think About Retirement Planning?

by Jarrett Osborn on

If you’ve only just begun your career and are starting to collect a decent paycheck, the last thing on your mind is probably retirement planning. When you’re in your twenties and thirties, retirement can feel light years away, but it will get here much quicker than you can imagine. And when it does...

When and Why to Switch Auto Insurance

by Jarrett Osborn on

Like health care, many of us continue with the same auto insurance policy for years, never bothering to find out whether another insurance carrier could provide better service or save us some money. But there are several reasons why shopping for another auto insurance policy can make sense. Here are...

Life Insurance Options

by Jarrett Osborn on

When John recently lost his wife Betty to cancer, their children were surprised to find out that neither John nor Betty had life insurance. As a result, the children ended up paying the cost of the funeral, and John, currently on a fixed income, is left contemplating whether he can afford to stay in...

Top 5 Financial Terms You Should Understand

by Jarrett Osborn on

In recent weeks, you may have heard the word recession a lot. You may even have a vague understanding of what a recession is, but would like a better understanding of what a recession really is. What the Dow Jones Industrial Average? You probably hear that every night on the news and you know that...

How to Protect Your Identity

by Jarrett Osborn on

More than 60 million Americans had their identities stolen in 2018, a significant increase from 2015, where more than 15 million consumers were affected. With identity theft numbers on the rise, it certainly doesn’t appear likely that scammers are going away anytime soon. While there are no hard and...

How to Create a Financial Plan

by Jarrett Osborn on

Creating a financial plan may seem overwhelming to those that have never completed one, but taking the first steps to creating a plan is much easier than you may think. Even if you plan on hiring a professional financial planner down the road, creating a rudimentary plan can go a long way towards...

Stock Market Investing

by Jarrett Osborn on

Are you ready to start investing? Investing in the stock market can be particularly rewarding, but not without risk. If you’re particularly risk averse, you may want to consider another method of investing, or start the investment process slowly. This can also be true for older potential investors...